
Ok, we finally found time to get pictures uploaded, unfortunatetly sorting through all of them and trying to organize them would take way to long. So we’ve dumped everything we had and put it all up at once. Again just click the box to see the pics.

Journal 4

This will be our last journal for the trip. A few students are finishing their entries in the morning and will be posted when they can be.

The prompt for tonight was:

What are 3 goals you have for this next year?

Here are the responses.

Jenna Browning

1. Straight A’s in high school.
2. Read through the whole Bible.
3. Workout more and eat healthier.

Will Chambley

I want to accomplish a strong relationship with God, and make sure that I have a quiet time every day, I would also like to lead 3 people to Christ this year.

Abby Cook

1. Have a quiet time every night.
2. Spend more time with God.
3. Lead at least one person to Christ.

Kara Daniel

1. I want people to see me as a messenger for Christ (which means I need to keep the faith and run the race well).
2. I want to be more interested in people and their lives than I am about myself or other things.
3. I want to keep trying to achieve my goal to be a missionary to China and the Chinese people. I just finished my first year of learning the Chinese language, and I am praying that God will keep giving me the strength to start and finish my second year, as well as remembering the language whenever He sends me to the people of China. I do believe with all of my heart that God wants me to go to China because it has been my desire, for as long as I can remember, to help the people of China.

Emma Early

1. I want to make varsity lacrosse my freshman year.
2. I want to read my Bible every day and give time for prayer.
3. I want to try my best to stay on God’s track for my life.

Karina Erickson

1. Witness to as many people as I can though out the year.
2. Try to have a quiet time everyday.
3. Workout more and try my best in school.

Ana Finlay

3 Goals:
1. to Impact someone’s life in Christ
2. To make the most of situations
3. To grow closer to God

Brandon Hanson

1. I would like to become a better Christian
2. I would like to be in the Spirit more
3. I would like to help teach people about the Gospel

Karli Haywood

Three goals:
To reach out to more people
To do quiet times every day
To have friends that impact my life in a positive way

Kaitlyn Hunt

This year, I really want to strengthen my relationship with God. I also really want to be a light wherever I go, I haven’t been doing a very good job of that this year, I need to be better at that. It’s not easy, I know that the only way I can do that is through God’s strength. I also really want to be able to reach others through swimming, I have been helping the special needs kids this year, and I really want to be able to reach them through this because I love it with a passion!!

Paul Janiszewski

1. I wanna make a difference in these children.
2. Learn more about respect for others and for God.
3. Make life easier for others.

Jennifer Ladines

This year I want to strengthen my relationship with Christ. I also want to start doing more quiet times. After I’ve accomplished these two goals I would like to lead at least three of my friends to Christ.

Grace McCoy

My three goals that I would like to accomplish this year are: continue reading my Bible every day, lead at least one person to become a Christian, and go on another mission trip. This trip has been amazing and I wish that everyone could have an experience like I have had. God has come through with so many miracles, especially with those that involve healing of sicknesses, even those that seem small such as people who have lost their voice and all of a sudden can speak again when the time came to teach Bible class. Our God is greater than the devil’s schemes and with Him, we have nothing to fear.

Zac Mitchell

Three spiritual goals I want to accomplish this year are to make it known to my friends at school that i am a Christian, I also want to become better in my daily quiet times, Finally I want to lead my friends to Christ. This past year at school if I tried to tell my friends about Christ, they laughed in my face. I made up my mind after I spoke about this same topic at emerge that I was going to go into high school a different person than when I left middle school. I hope that I will be able to shock my friends into asking questions about the change which will open a window of opportunity and hopefully they will listen. My third goal is to become more fluent in my daily walk and talk with God. I plan to have at least a half hour quiet time each and every day.

Bailey Morris

This week has been a week that has opened my eyes to a lot of things I otherwise wouldn’t see. God has blessed us so much and has proven himself faithful as he has promised. I pray that this year I can continue to grow closer to God this year and trust that he will always be faithful. I pray that tomorrow we can plant seeds in these kids hearts and hopefully help lead some to Christ and change their families for generations. I also pray that I will make some new Christian friends this new school year and keep the ones I have close, and that they will encourage me to continue to grow closer to Christ and trust him fully, as he is always faithful. 🙂 ♥♡

João Pereira

1. I would like to get closer to God.
2. I would like to pass my classes.
3. I would like to be a better Christian.

Kiandra Rackley

1. I want to start a bible study at my high school.
2. I want to learn how to be less judgmental.
3. I want to be able to rely on more people.

Turner Robinson

My all time goals for this year are to fill my prayer journal, have a more in tune relationship with God, and wake up earlier so I have more time for prayer.

Danielle Ruedas

1. That I would be able to inspire people with my prayers
2. I would continue to inspire with my words
3. I would not stumble in my walk with God even when it gets hard

James Sellers

The goals that I want to accomplish are to pray more.
I want to treat my mom, dad, and brothers better.
I want to stay on the right path and try to not go astray so that I can keep my walk with God pure.

Elijah Snell

Become closer to God, Teach a kid about Jesus and how he died for us, To get a kid to commit his/her life to Jesus

Emma Steinebronn

This year I would like to do a journal every day. I also would like to read the entire Bible and help my friend with her relationship with Christ.

Daniel Stephenson

1. To read the bible 2. To not be so selfish 3. To help others first

Dylan Whitaker

1. I really hope that God will work through the entire mission team and camp and make for a huge turn-out.
2. I really hope to achieve my Eagle Scout rank in BSA.
3. I also really wish to be successful with helping explore deeper with younger kids at VBS.

Matthew Wilkinson

1. I want to be more responsible.
2. I want to show God’s love to others.
3. I want to lead at least one person to the Lord.

Journal 3

Here’s the third Journal update. We ran out of time tonight and unfortunately not everyone was able to write one. As a side note, we’ll try to get some pictures from today up in the afternoon tomorrow.

The question was: What was a God moment you’ve experienced so far this week?

Here are the responses.

Sarah Bliss

Thinking about which God moment I wanted to write about took awhile. It’s amazing how much you seem to see God when the sole purpose of being in a place is to experience Him. I decided on one that I had sort of already mentioned a few entries ago. When we visited that homeless shelter. I looked at those people, most of them without shoes and all in old clothes with rips and tears, and yet they still seemed so happy. No matter how much I try to look out of our culture, I’ve still fallen prey to the idea “If I have stuff I will be happy”. Those men totally disproved that theory. I stepped to the back of the group and just prayed for those men and the kids I had just met earlier in the day. I praised God for loving them and caring for them, and then I thanked Him for loving me, because in that moment, I felt His love for all of His creation. That looks like such a simplistic way to put it in context of what I felt, but some things just can’t be expressed in words, I guess.

Brian Capp

This week a God moment that I have experienced this week is seeing all the kids who are so excited to come back to camp the next day because of how much fun it was the first day. Hopefully God just lets the camp grow more and more this week till the end.

Abby Cook

A God moment I experienced this week was when we started with 1 child enrolled in our camp, and then ended up with over 50 children to teach.

Emma Early

today was as my mom says a “God day”. I am really blessed with my team of girls for the VBS and sports camp. I know that they are hard to work with but God is testing me. Im happy. I fully accept the challenge of breaking down the walls that these two girls have put up. I know they appear to be stubborn and rude but i think they need love. I’m going to show them that I care and that I want to help. Please pray for patience though. These girls are tough but I’m doing my best! Im excited in moving forward this week!

Karina Erickson

A God moment today was when we first got to the camp & got our groups, one girl was a little shy & didn’t want to participate. Eventually, she opened up & started to participate more.

Ana Finlay

God worked in big ways today. One of the little boys in our group was asking questions about God. He was telling us how Jesus had died and that was all he knew. We explained to him that Jesus rose from the dead and that God took him to heaven to be with him. We weren’t able
to answer all of his questions but it showed me that God was working in the hearts of even the little ones.

Brandon Hanson

a God moment was when one kid who seemed really mean and acted like a bully started asking questions about Eternal Life and stuff about what happened after you die. the questions he was asking was amazing

Karli Haywood

A God moment that i had today was probably how thankful and greatful the kids are. Like the things we take for granted are the things they appreciate the most. such as, all the kids wanted was to have more bandanas, and how they treasure them so much really touched me.

Kaitlyn Hunt

Today, i really feel like God was moving in a great way. When we first got there, we actually had kids today, no recruiting!! i really feel like that was something from God. We are all kind of dragging today, all very tired:( One of the things that really stood out to me today that I felt came from God, he really spoke to me last night after we had come back from the camp, and he really showed me how much he really cares for us. The kids that we are working with, really have close to nothing. It’s so sad, they don’t want us to leave, because they don’t want to go home to their broken homes, which have tough relationships, with divorced parents, or no parents at all, and are living with their grandparents. I really think that God helped me see how much I really do have and how much these kids really need our love. Even though it was a tough day for everyone, I think he helped me to be able to love on these kids even more than yesterday, and I’m really looking forward to tomorrow!!

Paul Janiszewski

God moments only come when you really feel that you have changed someone or someone has changed you.I feel that these little children that come and sit on your lap just make you feel that God is in these children. When one came and sat in my lap, I felt that it was my job to protect them in any way possible. I just really want some more God moments in my life.

Kyra Kverek

A God moment that happened today was that one of the older girls at first was a little grumpy and after i started talking to her about God she warmed and then wham we had to go she gave me a hug and begged me to come back tomorrow.

Jennifer Ladines

A God moment I experienced this week was when we were going around the neighborhood knocking on people’s doors telling them to come to VBS. In the beginning I was scared because the neighborhood is in a run down area, but then I was comforted by God’s presence and had the strength to carry on and was brave enough to talk to the people.

Grace McCoy

There have been many “God moments” on this trip so far. God has been moving in huge ways in the lives of the children, but especially in our lives. One special moment for me was when we decided to stop at the Florida State Baseball stadium and have a time of worship. One person played the guitar and sang with some others, but then we all joined in singing praises right there in the baseball stadium. I could feel God’s presence and it was amazing just being in the middle of a college campus with the ability to worship my Savior with my teammates even in the middle of the baseball stands. I trust that God is working in the lives of others, because I know He has been working in mine.

Zac Mitchell

My God moment today was the most powerful God moment that i have ever experienced in my life so far. Last night when I lead worship during share time i could barely stand and I was freaking out. Tonight at the baseball stadium i was sitting by myself and was praying for God to move through the music tonight and that i would be able to keep my nerves steady. As the first song stared and i began to play i noticed that i wasn’t shaking like i had been last night. I asked anyone who felt like they wanted to sing to come to the front and sing. Kara and Jennifer and Brian all came down to sing. As we were singing the song i felt and a supernatural peace. Like i was one and we were all one with God singing a song in high praise to our heavenly father. I had thoughts of becoming a worship leader after we had played on May 9th with the E Team band but i hadn’t really considered it. With my experience tonight i feel that God is calling me to be a worship leader. So in my God moment today i discovered what i want to do with my life.

Bailey Morris

Today one of my little kids came running up to me and wanted to tell me he had memorized the verse from yesterday. 🙂 That made my day. Also, one little girl started the day calling me Bailey, but then moved to calling me godmommy, then auntie, and then cousin. That made me realized how grateful I should be to have close family and friends that love me and show it. Those were definitely God moments.

João Pereira

When we were in the bible class I saw that the kids didn’t really know much about God/Jesus. That made me notice that we where most likely the only people that will tell them about Christ.

Turner Robinson

1.Today we started out with 2 or 3 kids. Then I look around and notice more and more kids have came to my team. I thank that god is using me to help influence these kids lives.

Elijah Snell

I experienced a kid, who I’m sure has no interest in learning about christ. asking questions. It amazed me and i knew it was the work of god

Emma Steinebronn

Today I was so excited when God called one of my kids to pray when we rock-up pray-uped. I was so excited because I had never imagined her doing that, nonetheless volunteering.

Dylan Whitaker

1. This week it was a god moment to see all the kids just slowly start to participate, because that’s something we prayed for.

Matthew Wilkinson

Today I had some serious God moments. The one I will list is a kid that was terrible at first. Today, he asked some good questions in bible. I am happy to see he is getting closer to God.

Journal 2

For the second day our two journal questions were:

1. What did you do today?

2. What did God teach you today?

After last night we gave the kids more freedom in how they respond. Some stuck with straight answers, others went for paragraphs and more free flowing responses. This time they’re in alphabetical order by last name so a specific post will be easier to find.

Sarah Bliss

As for I what I learned and did today…. Gosh. If I were to write down all of it, I’d be writing this entry until next years E-Core go on their mission trip. So I’ll outline the parts that really stuck out to me. When we got to the center in the morning, there were really no campers there. At all. The leaders looked a little concerned, but Pastor Nathan sent us “counselors” (I still can’t get used to being called that.) to go knock on doors throughout the neighborhood and advertise. I’ll be honest, I was half-tempted to hide inside instead of going. But, of course, I went anyway. Kara and I knocked our way down the neighborhood, and it worked. People came. Lots and lots of kids. I’ll have to skip a lot now for time’s sake. My favorite part of VBS was dancing and doing church clap with the kids. It just warmed my heart to see them laughing and dancing to the music. And when we briefly visited a homeless shelter, I saw how grateful they were even though most of them didn’t have shoes. It reminded me that God and His angels rejoice and dance sing over them just as much as they rejoice over a billionaire in New York City. Isn’t that special? Think about that. God loves those people. He gave up His life for them and most of us don’t even remember them. I know I never did. I can’t believe that this week is only beginning and you have no idea how thrilled I am that I get to be here and see God work in such a life-changing way.

Jenna Browning

1. Today I helped out the kids in Tallahassee by providing them with a sports camp and a VBS. we also went to Nathan’s grandparents nursing home and visited with the elderly people.

2. He taught to be way more grateful and thankful of the things I have realizing how little the kids in the apartment complex and the homeless people that we brought food to the homeless shelter.

Brian Capp

Will Chambley

1. Today I helped with basketball and I got to go door to door asking for kids to come to our camp. At first there was only one kid that God soon spread into 50 kids.

2. God showed me that I am so blessed and that these kids I’m working with really have nothing and are not shown love. Now I know what I need to do to show these kids Jesus’s Love

Abby Cook

1. Today we reached out to the kids in a community definitely less fortunate then our own. We started the morning with one child enrolled in our camp, and ended up with 50 children having a great time learning about Jesus, it was challenging and fun. We then went to a nursing home and socialized, and then went to a church to aid there members in creating a leadership team. We ate dinner there, and ventured to a homeless shelter supplying them with any leftover food. It was a tiring and amazing day.

2. God taught me to never take anything I have for granted.

Kara Daniel

1. I went door to door and asked people if they wanted to do the VBS and sports camp. I ran sports camp. I did my cheer with Sarah. I ate lunch. I ran the music section of VBS (we did ‘Church Clap’ and ‘Great Big God’). We took group pictures. We had to part with the kids for today (sadly with many ‘clinging’ kids). Got cleaned up at the dorm. Went to an ‘Assisted Living Facility’ and got to talk to some of the residents. Went to a church that we were going to help with their leadership team, but their team was tired after their VBS, so the team wasn’t there, so we got ‘free time’. ☺ During that time, some of the girls found a number for a ‘shelter’ and called to give them our extra food. We went there to give them the food, and ended up talking with some of the people there, and one guy got into preaching, and he was right on! ☺ They were so thankful for what they had even though it was not much at all, and it made me think about how selfish I am and how much I have that I’m not normally thankful for…

2. I think God taught me that I should be more thankful for what I have, because I have always thought that I was ‘a thankful person’ but I realized at the shelter that there is so much that I take for granite that could be gone in an instant.

Emma Early

1. Today we had a sports camp and VBS for kids. There wernt any kids so we walked around the hood and invited people to come. It was soo much fun!

2. I learned today that not everybody experiences love every day.

Madelyn Elsey

1. I helped with basketball and music and went door to door to get people to come to the sports camp and vbs.

2. God taught me that a lot of people aren’t as fortunate as me and the rest of the counselors here. (:

Karina Erickson

1. Today we went to the community center & at first we had one kid, but we went around the neighborhood & ended up with over 40 kids. We did the sports camp, ate lunch & then vbs. Afterwards we went back to the dorm, took showers & rested. Then we went to the nursery home & talked to the elders there. After we went to the celebration church to talk to some 8th graders about leadership, but they ended up not coming. But we did what we could. We had extra food so we went to a homeless shelter & gave them what we had.

2. Something I learned was when doing vbs & the sports camp, that these kids don’t have a lot & they just need love. I also learned that we take a lot of things for granted when visiting the homeless shelter. We have so much & they are so thankful just to have a meal.

Ana Finlay

1. Today was the first day of sports camp and vbs. it was really fun! I met two four year olds today. Tamia and Tamya were their names. Two years ago Jenna came to Tallahassee she met tamia and Tamya. I thought it was cool that we shared a connection through these little girls. Later we went to the Homeless shelter and it was cool to see how greatful these people were.

2. God taught me to appreciate all the stuff I have. I take for granted a lot but I have all I need. I also was taught to be bold. I don’t like talking to strangers but God gave me the courage to go outside of my comfort zone.

Brandon Hanson

1. I went door to door to ask people if their kids would like to come which was kind of scary

2. He helped me make the kids feel like they’re at home.

Karli Haywood

1. At first we had no kids for the sports camp and I was a little worried but after we went around to the doors and told them, after a while we had around 50 kids and that was really cool to me.

2. I think God really showed me to be thankful for what I have and take granted.

Kaitlyn Hunt

So today, Today we were planning to put on a sports camp and a VBS.
Everything went well at first!! We were all expecting challenges, but
we had no idea what they would be exactly. Today was a really eye
opening day. When we first got to the community center to do the
camp, we found out we had no kids to do our camp!! So, our first step
was to go around the living complex around the center!! It was a
little frightful, seeing all different kinds of living situations.
Some of the kids were living with grandparents, aunts, uncles…. you
name it!! We finally got some kids, with the help of an amazing seven
year old boy named Matthew who helped us find quite a few of his
friends. After we finally got our camp going, there were more
challenges, people getting stung by wasps, bug bites…. we also had
an amazing opportunity tonight to use our leftovers to give to a
homeless shelter!! When we got there, it was so amazing to see how
little they had, but how thankful they were for everything that they
do have.

I’ve really realized today how blessed I am to have everything I do
have. Also, I know we have all seen the traps that Satan is trying to
set for us, but I know that God is the one that has given us the power
to overcome our situations that we encountered.

Paul Janiszewski

1. I helped the kids get situated and also helped set up and make the outside look fine for the kids.

2. He taught me how to live through him towards the kids and make them feel special and like they are loved.

Kyra Kverek

I played with the kids and had a lot of fun today and I felt like God really reached out to the kids because there was a lot that came after we all started.

Jennifer Ladines

1. Today I ran a sports camp and vbs for kids in a run down neighborhood. At first there were not many campers so we had to go door to door in order to get more kids. During the sports camp I stayed with kids who didn’t really know how to play the other sports and did other things with them. During VBS I ran the crafts station.

2. God taught me how to be brave and how to show love to kids through various activities.

Grace McCoy

Today, I was able to see a very different way of life shown to me by the children who God sent to the sports camp. We started the day off with no campers, but after going door-to-door and talking to the neighborhood about the camp, God sent to us approximately 60 campers. Unbelievable, right? To man that seems impossible, but with God, anything is possible. He has already proven Himself faithful today by working in our lives. We came to help the children of Tallahassee, but it seems like they may be helping us instead. Through their simple actions and love for each other as brothers and sisters in a community, they have shown us the perfect example of how we should live in Christ. Although they have nothing, they care for each other because they probably are not being taken care of properly at home. In the Body of Christ, we should be as selfless as these little children, putting our brothers’ and sisters’ needs before our own. These children may not know the meaning of love, but by the end of the week, I hope that God has revealed it to them and made it plain to see: Love is Christ and His gift on the cross. Love is selfless. Love is unconditional. I pray that our mission this week would not to be just to meet the children’s physical needs, but to demonstrate to them the meaning of Love through every word and action so that they may see Christ in us.

Zac Mitchell

Today was a great start to the week. I feel like we started with a bang. I believe that God is going to use us this week to spread his good news to them this week. Today I had an epiphany. I had come on this trip just to come on the trip and have a good time. My relization was, why, why could I be so selfish to even think that. So in conclusion I feel like God challenged me to be selfless and not selfish. I got to lead worship tonight for the discussion time it was a strong start I just hope that tomorrow night I can get my nerves back down to earth.

Bailey Morris

Today I got to help with the crafts at VBS; we made ferris wheels with the verse 2 Timothy 1:7 (which I now have memorized now) and explain what it meant to the kids. 🙂 We also got to go door to door and get kids to come. We started with 1 kid and ended up with about 50 kids ar the end. Also, we got to go to Nathan’s grandparent’s nursing home and spend time with them. 🙂 Today God taught me that not everyone is as fortunate and loved as we are. 🙂

João Pereira

1. Today I Helped with the V.B.S.

2. God taught me to be thankful for what I have.

Kiandra Rackley

1. Today we shared the gospel around town.

2. He taught me not to take anything for granted.

Turner Robinson

1. Today we got to the church and found out that no flyers were sent out for our sports camps/VBS. So we walked to the different housing units and invited kids to come over to the free camp and we started out with two or three, but by the end of the day we had about fifty.

2.God taught me that no matter how much I think that my life stinks, there’s still other people out there who have way less than I do and way more characteristics about them than I do.

James Sellers

1. I helped out kids that didn’t really have much. I helped them play basketball and soccer

2. He taught me that just because they don’t have as much as I do or some of the others that doesn’t mean that he loves us more. I learned that he loves all of us.

Elijah Snell

Today I helped kids who are starving for love. We played basketball and soccer. He showed me that I am very blessed to have what I have and I shouldn’t complan about what I don’t have.

Emma Steinebronn

1. Today I helped play with little kids and connected with a few during crafts.

2. God taught me that I’m blessed to have new clothes and good food and shelrer because I saw this kid who had a hole so that his toes were sticking out and we went to see the people at the homeless shelter.

Daniel Stephenson

1. I helped with basketball and bible and brought and put back the basketball goals
2. God taught me to not be so selfish and think about what I do have instead of what I want

Dylan Whitaker

1. Today I showed the love of Christ to multiple children.

2. God taught me that no matter if you have no money or all the money in the world you can still be like other people.

Matthew Wilkinson

1. Today I did the sports camp and VBS at the Springfield Community Center. Afterwards, we went to a nursing home. Last but by far not least, we went to a homeless shelter.

2. I learned so much today, but the most important one is what I have to be thankful for. Common, I know, but very serious!

Journal 1

We asked the kids to do a little bit of journaling. We gave them 2 questions to answer:

1. What do you want God to do TO you this week?

2. What do you want God to do THROUGH you this week?

Here are there responses, in no particular order. Our plan is to have them journal like this every night.

Emma Steinebronn

1. I hope that God will teach me something new about himself through the kids I will lead this week.

2. I hope I will have the opprotunity to lead at least one child to Christ th us week.

Bailey Morris

1. I pray God will help me trust him fully and let him do his things and not feel like I have to do stuff, but he will do it all.

2. I also pray he will use me this week to help open these children’s hearts and show them your love.

Sarah Bliss

This week is off to a great start! The drive here was fun, but it was so loud! Haha. I’m so excited to see God reconvert all of that energy towards His purpose. I’m hoping this week that God can really revitalize my faith. I haven’t lost it, but I’m not as close to God as I once was. I’m hoping that this trip will be the springboard to a lifetime of a ever-growing faith in God. As for what I want to see God do through me this week, the cry of my heart is that I’ll just make an impact.

Grace McCoy

1. I want God to break my heart for what breaks His. I want Him to give me a love for others like never before so that I may see them as who they are: people in need of a Savior.

2. I want Him to shine through me until His love overflows and is evident to all those around me. I want others to see Him in me and I would love to have an opportunity to witness to someone this week and lead them to establish their own relationship with Christ.

Karli Haywood

1. Keep me focused not on my friends, but on the kids and the important things.

2. Shine his light through me to be a good example to those around me.

Kyra Kverek

I really want God to help me focus on the important things and i what i want him to do through me is be a good example to the kids and have God shine through me to them.

Emma Early

1. I pray that God will impact my heart. I pray that he shows me to love everyone around me.

2. I pray that God uses me to be a light to others. I pray that God will let me show others His love.

Jenna Browning

1. I pray that He will help me forget about myself this week and make it all about the people that I am helping out during the week.

2. I pray that He will let Jesus’ light shine through me and his love pour out of me as we help out all the people during the week.

Kaitlyn Hunt

During this trip, I want to be able to strengthen my relationship with god, and with the ecore team as a whole. I’m hoping that I would better be able to discern what gods plan is for my life and for the weeks to come.

While we are here, I would like to be able to minister to someone every special who is going through a rough time, and be able to share with them what I’ve learned about god and his plans over the past few months.

Ana Finlay

1. I want God to strengthen my faith.

2. I want God to show people I believe what I say.

Karina Erickson

~I want God to help me stay focused through the whole trip & use me to show other kids that I am a follower of Christ.

~ I want God to use me to lead other people to Christ & show that he loves us all.

Jennifer Ladines

~I want God to touch my heart this week and I want my relationship to be stronger with him. I want him to help me have a good attitude about everything this week.

~I want God to use me to reach these kids and help bring them to Christ. I want these kids to feel God’s love through me.

Abby Cook

~ I want God to help me experience him in a real way through touching the lives of the kids we are ministering to.

~I want God to work through me to plant seeds in the hearts of the children we work with and be an example to others we come across.

Madelyn Elsey

~I want God to help me stay focused on him throughout the trip.

~ I want God to use me to lead others.

Danielle Ruedas

~ I want god to give me courage is being a strong disciplined Christian

~I want God to use my gift of prayer to touch others through my words

Brandon Hanson

~I want God to make me a better person

~I want God to help me teach these kids well and help save them

Zac Mitchell

This week im going to try to grow closer to God. I think that God will use me this week through my guitar as I play and lead worship not only at the vbs but also here maybe. I have been struggling with some temptations and have been wrestling with God over them and this week I plan to finally make the right commitment to begin to push those things out of my life.

Dylan Whitaker

I want God to allow me to be more focused on him.

I want God to show the love of Christ through me to all the children at camp.

James Sellers

I want god to be the center of attention and I want to encourage the kids to follow god and keep their life centered on him.

I want the kids to have a great time with me. I want them to feel like they are loved and that they are wanted here. I pray that god will move throughout all of the camp, and once again I want the kids to have a great time.

Paul Janiszewski

1: I really want God to stay in my soul and really use me as a faith step not only in these children, but in myself too. I need a huge milestone in God in my life right now.

2:I want God to communicate through me to the children so they can go back to their families and preach to them.

Elijah Snell

1. I want God to mold me in to a better person

2. I hope God helps me teach these kids and save them

Kiandra Rackley

1. I want him to keep me focused during this week so I learn more.

2. I want God to use me in a way that will reach the children easily so that they will always remember it.

Matthew Wilkinson

1. I want God to teach me to have self–control and to be more responsible. I want to show God’s love everywhere I go.

2. I want God to use my interests or talents to lead others to him. Preferably the drums but, maybe some other things as well. I want to show these kids that they can trust me.

Turner Robinson

1. I want God to help me be a better crusaider for him.

2. i want God to use my people skills to touch others. And make them laugh

Daniel Stephenson

1. I would like God to show me how to teach and comprehend with younger kids

2. I would like God to serve through me and show a great example of being a Christian

Brian Capp

~ I want God to help me stay faithful during the trip in trusting him.

~ I want God to be in me in everything I do because I want to be like him, and showing that to others around me.

João Pereira

~I would like God to give me energy throughout the trip and to help me be a leader.

~I would like God to show the kids his light through me

Will Chambley

– I would like to become a leader and to improve my attitude toward quiet time.

– I would like to lead a lot of kids to Christ.

We Made It

Just wanted to let everyone know we made it perfectly safe. We arrived in Tallahassee at about 6:30, ate dinner and then got to the dorm. We’re finishing our team meeting right now and getting ready for an early morning tomorrow.



Welcome to the Ecore Mission page. Here we will post updates on our progress and activities while on our mission trip to Tallahassee. We’re going to try to have as much content as time will allow including photos and videos from the day, as well as video testimonies so you can hear your students talking about the work God is doing. Make sure you check in daily to see what’s going on. We’ll try to upload new content every night when there is free time. Thanks for your support and prayers.